Capital International Group

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) implemented corporate tax in June 2023, and businesses operating in the country need to register accordingly. But navigating the registration process and deadlines can be confusing. This blog post simplifies things for you by providing a clear and concise guide to UAE corporate tax registration deadlines in 2024.

When to Register? It Depends…

The deadlines for registration vary based on when your company was established:

  • Established before March 1, 2024: The deadline depends on your license issuance date:
    • Jan-Feb (any year): May 31, 2024
    • March-June 2023: October 31, 2024
    • July-Sept 2023: November 30, 2024
    • Oct-Dec 2023: December 31, 2024
  • Established after March 1, 2024: May 31, 2024

Other Scenarios:

  • Non-resident companies with a UAE branch: Register within 6 months of establishing the branch.
  • Non-resident companies with a UAE nexus: Register within 3 months of establishing the nexus.


  • The deadline applies to the earliest license issuance date if you have multiple licenses.
  • Register through the Federal Tax Authority (FTA) portal:
  • Missing deadlines can lead to penalties.

Stay Compliant, Stay Ahead

Meeting the corporate tax registration deadlines is crucial for any business operating in the UAE. It ensures smooth operations and avoids potential penalties. Consider consulting a tax advisor familiar with the UAE’s corporate tax regime for further guidance and support.

By understanding the deadlines and taking action promptly, you can ensure your business remains compliant and thrives in the UAE’s evolving tax landscape.

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